Tuesday, February 12

How to Deal with Difficult People?

Dear Reader,

We all get difficult & unreasonable people in life and some time we also become unreasoble and difficult.

How to deal with them is a trick.

We can choose our response while dealing with such people we can choose to

1. Run Away
2. Change Our Attitude
3. Change their Attitude OR
4. Take a Stand.

It depends on situation that we choose to RUN from that person if we can. If we can see that the issue or person is not worth loosing our time on then we can RUN.

If we can not run as issue or person is Improtant then we can introspect and can see is there any need to change my attitude. The person is not difficult but it's my perception then we can choose to change our attitude.

If we can see the person is jsut ignorant and can be changed if we can give him a hint on his unreasonable behaviour then choise 3 is good.

But if we need to deal with the person and can not change him. Then this is the last way. we can decide to do tit for tat.