Tuesday, May 26

Some motivating Quotes

The season of Failure is the Best time to sawing the seeds of success...

Do not take right Decision, Just take a decision and then make it right.

It is better to be a Fish, then Selfish...

If you focus on result, you will never change,
If you focus on change, you will get the result.

Success hugs you in private where failure slaps you in public..

There is only one difference between Dreams and Aim

Dreams requires Effortless sleep where Aim Requires Sleepless Efforts..
so sleep for your Dreams and wake up for your Aim.

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person
is like expecting the lion, not to attach you because you are a vegetarion.
Never Expect....

Life gives answer in 3 ways
It says YES & gives you what you want..
It says NO & gives you something better
It says WAIT and gives you the BEST!!!!

Progress has little to do with the speed but much to do with Direction..
So always concentrate on your direction not on the speed.

do you know after seeing or speaking one-another, why do people say "BYE"??
It stands for "B"egining "Y"et not the "E"nd of our relationship.

T.H.I.N.K. Before you speak.
T = Is it True?
H = Will it Help?
I = Is it Inspiring?
N = Is it Necessary
K = Is it Kind?
your word will identify you.

Respect those friend who find time for you in their timetable,
But, LOVE those friend who DON'T Consult their timetable when you need them.

Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later, collection of mistakes called Experience which leads us to success..

Attitude is a Little thing which makes a very big difference...
Like, I am not the BEST and I am not like the REST.

The power of communication is not to understand what the person is saying,
But to understand what the person is not saying...

Slient Lips may avoid many problems, But Smiling lips may solve many problem
So Always have a SMILE on your face in the beautiful journey called LIFE.

Coins always make sound. The currency notes are always Slient.
so when your value increases, Keep your seld Calm and Slient.

If one things he does not have enough reasons to be HAPPY,
all he need to do is ......................... THINK AGAIN...

Live Life to express and not to impress.
Don't strive to make your presence noticed.
Just make your absence felt.

A word of encouragement from a True Person during failure is worth more precious then an hour of praise by anyone after success!!!!

Soft Speech, Clean Heart, Peaceful Eyes, Strengthful Hands, Focused Mind & Determined Decision...
Always makes "WINNER IN LIFE"..