Thursday, November 22

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness.

A book by Dr. Stephen Covey, is a real transformer. I have got lot form that Book. I sincerely suggest my friends and dear ones to have that book and read - re-read for many times. It's also available in mp3 format. We can listen to it and slowly start creating difference in our lives. Link to the site:

"Voice is unique personal significance—significance that is revealed as we face our greatest challenges and that makes us equal to them."
—Dr. Stephen R. Covey, from The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

"Perhaps the most important vision of all is to develop a sense of self, a sense of your own destiny, a sense of your unique mission and role in life, a sense of purpose and meaning."
—Dr. Stephen R. Covey, from The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness